Addiction & Recovery Articles
from Cornerstone of Recovery
At Cornerstone of Recovery, we believe that there is more to treatment than helping people recover from drug and alcohol addiction. The goal of our addiction recovery articles is to bring awareness to families and our communities, help people recognize the signs of addiction early, understand the treatment options, and, most importantly, be inspired by stories that show that life in recovery is possible.
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Understanding Schema Therapy in AddictionAddiction is a complex and challenging issue that affects millions of people worldwide. It can take many forms, such as substance abuse or addictive behaviors, and often has deep-rooted psychological causes. |
From societal stigma to successful sobriety: How rehab helps drug addicts
Perhaps you're struggling with a drug problem, or maybe you're a family member concerned about a loved one's substance...
What are the benefits of a drug and alcohol rehab with a gym?
Not everyone who makes the decision to go to treatment feels up to physical fitness, but for those wanting to change...
Answering your treatment concerns: What kind of people will be in rehab?
For those making a decision to get help for a drug and alcohol problem for the first time, there's undoubtedly a...
May the Fourth Be With You! Examining ‘Star Wars’ and addiction recovery
Star Wars and addiction recovery may seem like random, completely unrelated topics, at least on the surface. After...
MEET THE FAMILY: Cornerstone’s financials are in good hands with Jamie Free
It didn’t take Jamie Free long to figure out that Cornerstone of Recovery is a different kind of business. The East...
Providing protection: Cornerstone offers COVID-19 vaccinations to its patients
Cornerstone of Recovery, East Tennessee’s premier drug and alcohol treatment center, is doing its part to provide...
Finding addiction treatment: Where are the best drug rehab centers located?
Plenty of folks who recognize they need help find themselves asking, “where are the best drug rehab centers?” as they...
What happens after alcohol rehab? Setting you up for sober success
You’ve made the decision to get help for a drinking problem, you’ve scheduled your admission appointment to a...
What do you do if an alcoholic refuses to go to rehab?
If you’re the loved one of someone with a drinking problem who wants to intervene, you’re probably already considering...
‘Will rehab help me?’ The burning treatment consideration question
By the time an individual with a drinking or drug problem reaches the point of willingness to call a treatment center,...
What is alcohol rehab like? How treatment can help your drinking problem
What is alcohol rehab like? That’s a question a great many first-time treatment seekers ask, because the process often...
Five reasons why a sober Memorial Day is more fun
One of the biggest reasons those new to recovery dread observing a sober Memorial Day — or any big holiday, actually —...